Thursday 10 December 2009

Is internet piracy the new Scientology?

It would certainly seem so.

It looks as though advocates of internet piracy have adopted the Scientology method of suing / threatening to sue anyone who disagrees with the fucked up shit that goes on in their tiny little minds.

The folks over at Usenet (a sort of "Pirate Bay for grown ups") are terribly aggrieved that the Dutch copyright group BREIN are accusing them of....well, doing what they do - charging people money to download copyright material illegally.

It seems the pirate types are a bit sensitive to having their "ideals" challenged and have decided to sue BREIN for defamation.

Pay attention at the back. These freetards are suing someone (we wonder where they got the money for that) for offending their sensibilities.

The Bats



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